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Shipping policy
Updated over a year ago

All orders placed from Monday to Thursday are processed within 48 hours and shipped from our warehouse based in Italy. Orders placed between Friday and Sunday will be shipped by the end of the second business day. The estimated arrival or delivery dates at the time of checkout are approximate. You will be sent an email with information regarding the tracking of your order once it has been shipped.

Delivery rates and methods are calculated and specified at the time of checkout in our store.

The Store and the links to these General Conditions are always available in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish. In other countries, the Store and applications for mobile devices may not be available in the local language.

The support services available in the Store are accessible in English, German, Italian and Spanish. You are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws and regulations of the country to which the Product is destined. Freedompro S.r.l. disclaims all liability in the event of your violation of such laws or regulations.

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